Services : The Lyon Group | Cincinnati, OH


We meet you where you are on your wealth journey and offer customized planning services aligned with your needs and goals.

What to Expect

Financial planning should bring clarity and inspire confidence. We help you clarify your goals and transform your financial “stuff” into a financial plan that considers the whole picture and puts you on track for your long-term goals.

We provide guidance across all areas of your planning, including:

Values Centered Planning

We help build YOUR plan, not ours. So we take time to understand your key goals, values and relationships.

Net Worth Analysis

We build a complete map of what you own and what you owe and provide access via your client website.

Cash Flow Analysis

Understanding your income and how it’s spent and saved is foundational to good financial planning. We help make it simple.

Retirement Planning

Gain clarity on whether you are on track to maintain your unique lifestyle throughout your lifetime.

Investment Management

Most have investments, but few have a defined investment strategy and a plan for how various accounts best fit together

Insurance Strategies

Protecting your human capital is a keystone part of your financial plan. We make sure this gets done in a measured and intentional way.

Estate Organization

Design a path that creates a legacy of wealth and values. Ensure assets are protected and your goals are achieved.

Tax Strategies

We identify opportunities to minimize taxes and maximize your wealth

Education Funding

Education is an investment in your human capital. We help create a plan to fund your family’s education goals

Executive Benefit Planning

From stock options to restricted stock and others, we help you better understand your employer stock plan, its options and how to incorporate them in your overall financial planning.

Business Services

While many of the individual planning services apply to everyone, we also help with areas of service unique to business and owners.

Charitable Giving

Giving is in our DNA. We’ll help make sure your wealth has the biggest impact for the causes you care about most.

The Lyon Group Fiscal
Second Opinion Service


Am I Over-insured? Under-insured? Do my coverages have the features and benefits to ensure my family is secure now and in the future?


Am I investing enough and in the right places to get me where I want to go without risking too much?


How will my plan hold up to a "stress test" of possible events (bear markets, high inflation, premature death or disability, a longer than expected life)?


Am I doing the right things to minimize taxes in the long-run – now and later?

Estate Planning

Does my estate plan pass along family values as well as family wealth?

If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, the Fiscal Second Opinion (FSO) is for you. We’ll quickly assess your plan then let you know if you’re on track or if there are missed opportunities to consider. No pressure. No obligation. Just honest feedback. Simply click below to schedule a time for your FSO.

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Clients We Serve

Click below to learn more about the customized service offerings tailored for specific client groups