Life & Career Transitions

If the truth be told, we are always in transition of some sort. The world changes – and quickly. Yet there are several common points in life that point to the need to rethink fundamental things. And your approach to money is one of those things.

Whether you are taking on new roles in your career or in your home, entering or exiting a relationship, approaching retirement, or inheriting funds from a loved one… transitions can be stressful. Each of these things changes “your world,” and your financial decisions likely need to adapt. We are prepared to meet you in these places and become the sounding board and guide you need to ensure your wealth is aligned with your values as life evolves.

Our focus is centered on you.  We want to know what’s in your head and your heart as much as what is on your balance sheet. This allows us to deliver planning that is tailored to your unique needs.  With the busy life you lead, we understand that time is precious.  We take a holistic view to ensure all areas of planning are considered in a coordinated way. From retirement, investments, tax, insurance and estate plan to providing for a special needs child or favorite charity… we support you so you can focus your time and energy on your career and family with the confidence that your plan is on track.

Change is hard. We understand. Our expertise and experience allow us to come alongside you, provide perspective and help frame issues so you can make the best decisions for yourself and your family. We certainly cannot predict the twists and turns life brings. But we can prepare and plan today to create a future you want.

We help you formulate a plan that that is built to accomplish your dreams and goals, not to just accumulate financial stuff and not to measure against what your colleagues and friends are doing.  More than information, we provide guidance – a financial game plan, in a language you understand, to align your wealth with your values.  And we partner with you as the guide for your journey.

In our investment advisory work, we serve as fiduciaries, and our planning process is centered around your best interests.  Always doing the right thing for our clients is more than a legal standard, it’s core to who we are.  We deeply appreciate the trust clients place in us and always do our best to honor that.

Complimentary Resources for
Life and Career Transitions

Retirement EKG

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Schedule a Conversation with Robert Nienaber


Areas of Planning

Values Centered Planning

We help build YOUR plan, not ours. We take time to understand your key goals, values and relationships.

Net Worth Analysis

We build a complete map of what you own and what you owe and provide access via your client website.

Cash Flow Analysis

Understanding your income and how it’s spent and saved is foundational to good financial planning.  We help make it simple.


Inheriting money usually comes at a busy, emotional time and brings plenty of complicated rules and potential taxes. We help make sense of it all so you can make the best decisions.

Insurance Strategies

Protecting your human capital is a keystone part of your financial plan. We make sure this gets done in a measured and intentional way.

Retirement Planning

Gain clarity on whether you are on track to maintain your unique lifestyle throughout your lifetime.

Investment Management

Most have investments, but few have a defined investment strategy and a plan for how various accounts best fit together.

Estate Organization

Design a path that creates a legacy of wealth and values. Ensure assets are protected and your goals are achieved.

Tax Strategies

High income brings high taxes. We identify opportunities to minimize taxes and maximize your wealth.

Education Funding

Education is an investment in your human capital. We help create a plan to fund your family’s education goals.

Charitable Giving

Giving is in our DNA. We’ll help make sure your wealth has the biggest impact for the causes you care about most.